Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Comptroller
About Us
Business and Financial Policies
Financial Reports
Reporting Units
Annual Report
FY22 Planning
Scenario Planning For FY 21 Budget
Fall contingency planning efforts are ongoing
Multiple scenarios developed for certain revenue and cost elements
Enrollment numbers uncertain until August
New cost elements must be projected
Refining projections as new information becomes available
Timeline for final budget development being adjusted accordingly
Revenue and Expense Projections Still Evolving
Enrollment & Tuition
Room and Board
Clinical Revenue
Self Supporting Programs
Reconfiguring Residence Halls
Reconfiguring Classrooms
Hybrid Class Delivery
Cost of Testing
New Cleaning Protocols
Budget Development Timeline
Provisional budgets developed by each university with estimated revenue and additional costs
Refine estimates based on enrollment and cost projections
Finalize university level budgets
Finalize college level budgets; seek BOT approval of final FY21 budget at November meeting
Expense Control Measured Introduced
Reduce travel related expenses
Reduce expenses for supplies and purchased services
Curtail non-faculty hiring; only fill critical positions
Slow down or postpone capital projects
Selected salary reductions
Additional COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 finance message from President Killeen to all faculty and staff
System Office COVID-19 resource page
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